Orakl Network Request-Response


The Orakl Network Request-Response is one of the main Orakl Network solutions. It provides an access to off-chain data from on-chain smart contracts. Requests are emitted through on-chain event, captured by the Orakl Network Request-Response Listener, processed by the Orakl Network Request-Response Worker and eventually responded back to on-chain through the Orakl Network Request-Response Reporter.

The code is located under core directory, and separated to three independent microservices: listener, worker and reporter.

State Setup

The Orakl Network Request-Response requires an access to state for listeners and reporters.


The Orakl Network API holds information about all listeners. The command below adds a single Request-Response listener to the Orakl Network state to listen on requestResponseCoordinatorAddress for DataRequested event. The chain parameter specifies a chain on which we expect to operate with the Orakl Network Request-Response Listener.

orakl-cli listener insert \
    --service REQUEST_RESPONSE \
    --chain ${chain} \
    --address ${requestResponseCoordinatorAddress} \
    --eventName DataRequested
  • example

orakl-cli listener insert \
    --service REQUEST_RESPONSE \
    --chain baobab \
    --address 0x12 \
    --eventName DataRequested


The Orakl Network API holds information about all reporters. The command below adds a single Request-Response reporter to the Orakl Network state to report to oracleAddress. The chain parameter specifies a chain on which we expect to operate. Reporter is defined by an address and a privateKey parameters.

orakl-cli reporter insert \
  --service REQUEST_RESPONSE \
  --chain ${chain} \
  --address  ${address} \
  --privateKey ${privateKey} \
  --oracleAddress ${oracleAddress}
  • example

orakl-cli reporter insert \
  --service REQUEST_RESPONSE \
  --chain baobab \
  --address  0xab \
  --privateKey abc \
  --oracleAddress ${oracleAddress}


Before we launch the Orakl Network Request-Response, we must specify several environment variables. The environment variables are automatically loaded from a .env file.

  • NODE_ENV=production









The Orakl Network Request-Response is implemented in Node.js which uses NODE_ENV environment variable to signal the execution environment (e.g. production, development). Setting the environment to production generally ensures that logging is kept to a minimum, and more caching levels take place to optimize performance.

CHAIN environment variable specifies on which chain the Orakl Network Request-Response will be running, and which resources will be collected from the Orakl Network API.

PROVIDER_URL defines an URL string representing a JSON-RPC endpoint that listener and reporter communicate through.

ORAKL_NETWORK_API_URL corresponds to url where the Orakl Network API is running. The Orakl Network API interface is used to access Orakl Network state such as listener configuration.

Setting a level of logs emitted by a running instance is set through LOG_LEVEL environment variable, and can be one of the following: error, warning, info, debug and trace, ordered from the most restrictive to the least. By selecting any of the available options you subscribe to the specified level and all levels with lower restrictiveness.

REDIS_HOST and REDIS_PORT represent host and port of Redis to which all Orakl Network Request-Response microservices connect. The default values are localhost and 6379, respectively.

The Orakl Network Request-Response does not offer a rich REST API, but defines a health check endpoint (/) served under a port denoted as HEALTH_CHECK_PORT.

Errors and warnings emitted by the Orakl Network Request-Response can be sent to Slack channels through a slack webhook. The webhook URL can be set with the SLACK_WEBOOK_URL environment variable.


Before launching the Request-Response solution, the Orakl Network API has to be accessible from the Orakl Network Request-Response to load listener settings.

After the Orakl Network API is healthy, launch the Request-Response service, which consists of listener, worker, and reporter microservices, with the command below. Microservices communicate with each other through the BullMQ - job queue.

yarn start:core:request_response

Run in dev mode through the following command:

yarn dev:core:request_response

It's also possible to run the microservices separately in any arbitrary order:

yarn start:listener:request_response
yarn start:worker:request_response
yarn start:reporter:request_response

Quick launch with Docker

From orakl repository's root, run the following command to build all images:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.local-core.yaml build

Set wallet credentials, ADDRESS and PRIVATE_KEY values, in the .core-cli-contracts.env file. Keep in mind that the default chain is localhost. If changes are required, update CHAIN (other options being baobab and cypress) and PROVIDER_URL values. Note that if the chain is not localhost, Coordinator and Prepayment contracts won't be deployed. Instead, Bisonai's already deployed contract addresses will be used. After setting the appropriate .env values, run the following command to start the Request-Response service:

SERVICE=rr docker-compose -f docker-compose.local-core.yaml up --force-recreate

Note that the current docker implementation is designed to run a single service, either rr or vrf, at a time. Therefore, it's highly recommended to add --force-recreate when running docker-compose up command. That will restart all containers thus removing all the modified data in those containers.

Here is what happens after the above command is run:

  • api, postgres, redis, and json-rpc services will start as separate docker containers

  • postgres will get populated with necessary data:

    • chains

    • services

    • listener (after contracts are deployed)

    • reporter (after contracts are deployed)

  • migration files in contracts/v0.1/migration/ get updated with provided keys and other values

  • if the chain is localhost:

    • contracts/v0.1/hardhat.config.cjs file gets updated with PROVIDER_URL

    • relevant coordinator and prepayment contracts get deployed


The architecture is very similar to the Orakl Network VRF. The only difference is that the Orakl Network Request-Response Worker fetches and processes data based on the on-chain request.

Last updated